Research in Progress

Currently I am researching the creation and implementation of a skills-based grading and cataloguing system for student solo trumpet repertoire. This new system grades solo works for trumpet on a one to five scale by the fundamental parameters of range, articulation, flexibility, and endurance while keeping the works grouped into a larger grading system on a one to three scale. The cataloguing system is governed by a set of carefully selected parameters and thresholds that specifically define the different rating levels within each parameter. The purpose of this system is to better serve the student by accurately assigning students level-appropriate material. The other function of this system is to aid an educator who is not familiar with the solo trumpet repertoire in the assignment of level-appropriate material. It is possible for this system to be expanded into all instrument and voice types as well as the inclusion of small and large ensemble repertoire.

Past Research

Along with the creation and implementation of a skills-based grading and cataloguing system for solo trumpet repertoire, my recent history of research has spanned topics that are often multi-disciplinary in nature and cross the lines of different art forms. These topics include: the modern protest music of Brazilian popular artist Edu Krieger and the 2014 World Cup, the Scandinavian brass septet tradition, the stylistic and aesthetic connections of Aaron Copland's populist era with the Southwestern paintings of Maynard Dixon, as well as modern implementation of baroque performance practice for the trumpet.